دوشنبه ۲۷ فروردين ۹۷
طریقه ایجاد افکت Glow برای متن نوشته شده :
حالت Blur :
echo "<p><font face=\"Tahoma\">\n";
echo "<span style=\"FILTER: blur(Strength=10); WIDTH: 1px; HEIGHT: 1px\">\n";
echo "<font face=\"Tahoma\" color=\"#800000\" style=\"font-size: 10pt\">WELCOME</font></span></font></p>\n";
کد ساعت در پایین صفحه بهمراه تاریخ در قسمت استاتیوس بار:
echo "[color=navy]<!-- ONE STEP TO INSTALL PROPER DATE:n";
echo "n";
echo " 1. Add the first code to the BODY of your HTML document -->n";
echo "n";
echo "<!-- STEP ONE: Add the first code to the BODY of your HTML document -->n";
echo "n";
echo "<BODY>n";
echo "n";
echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">n";
echo "<!-- Original: Peter Oxley (peter@theun.com) -->n";
echo "<!-- Web Site: http://www.theun.com -->n";
echo "n";
echo "<!--Total Java Scripts 99 - Next Step Software-->n";
echo "n";
echo "<!-- Beginn";
echo "today=new Date();n";
echo "day=today.getDate();n";
echo "year=today.getYear();n";
echo "month=today.getMonth() 1;n";
echo "if (day==1) end=("st");n";
echo "else if (day==2) end=("nd");n";
echo "else if (day==3) end=("rd");n";
echo "else if (day==21) end=("st");n";
echo "else if (day==22) end=("nd");n";
echo "else if (day==23) end=("rd");n";
echo "else if (day==31) end=("st");n";
echo "else end=("th");n";
echo "if (month==1) name=("January");n";
echo "else if (month==2) name=("February");n";
echo "else if (month==3) name=("March");n";
echo "else if (month==4) name=("April");n";
echo "else if (month==5) name=("May");n";
echo "else if (month==6) name=("June");n";
echo "else if (month==7) name=("July");n";
echo "else if (month==8) name=("August");n";
echo "else if (month==9) name=("September");n";
echo "else if (month==10) name=("October");n";
echo "else if (month==11) name=("November");n";
echo "else name=("December");n";
echo "if (year<100) year="19" year;n";
echo "document.write(name " " day end ", " year);n";
echo "// End -->n";
echo "</script>n";
echo "[color=navy]<!-- ONE STEP TO INSTALL PROPER DATE:n";
echo "n";
echo " 1. Add the first code to the BODY of your HTML document -->n";
echo "n";
echo "<!-- STEP ONE: Add the first code to the BODY of your HTML document -->n";
echo "n";
echo "<BODY>n";
echo "n";
echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">n";
echo "<!-- Original: Peter Oxley (peter@theun.com) -->n";
echo "<!-- Web Site: http://www.theun.com -->n";
echo "n";
echo "<!--Total Java Scripts 99 - Next Step Software-->n";
echo "n";
echo "<!-- Beginn";
echo "today=new Date();n";
echo "day=today.getDate();n";
echo "year=today.getYear();n";
echo "month=today.getMonth() 1;n";
echo "if (day==1) end=("st");n";
echo "else if (day==2) end=("nd");n";
echo "else if (day==3) end=("rd");n";
echo "else if (day==21) end=("st");n";
echo "else if (day==22) end=("nd");n";
echo "else if (day==23) end=("rd");n";
echo "else if (day==31) end=("st");n";
echo "else end=("th");n";
echo "if (month==1) name=("January");n";
echo "else if (month==2) name=("February");n";
echo "else if (month==3) name=("March");n";
echo "else if (month==4) name=("April");n";
echo "else if (month==5) name=("May");n";
echo "else if (month==6) name=("June");n";
echo "else if (month==7) name=("July");n";
echo "else if (month==8) name=("August");n";
echo "else if (month==9) name=("September");n";
echo "else if (month==10) name=("October");n";
echo "else if (month==11) name=("November");n";
echo "else name=("December");n";
echo "if (year<100) year="19" year;n";
echo "document.write(name " " day end ", " year);n";
echo "// End -->n";
echo "</script>n";
echo "n";
echo "<!-- Script Size: 1.31 KB -->[/colorn";
echo "<!-- Script Size: 1.31 KB -->[/color]n";
منبع : meta4u